5am Workout Tips & Motivation

Happy Wednesday – hope you all are having a great week so far! I am spilling all the beans on how I get my butt up and out the door for that early morning aka 5am workout class! If you are looking for tips and motivation, please keep reading!!

So since I’m not on maternity leave anymore and do not have the luxury of that perfect 9:30am workout, I’ve had to come up with new ways (and times!) to get my workout in.  And let me tell you, with an almost full time job, two small kids, a husband, a dog, etc, etc, etc, it HARD to fit it all in! BUT, that hasn’t stopped me from going after my fitness and health goals. We can always find excuses for everything, but if you truly want something you really can make it happen!


Ok, back to my point. Since all of the above has happened, basically my only time to fit in my workout is at 5am – before hubby leaves for work and before my sweet little beautiful monsters wake up. I like to get at least 3-4 workouts in per week. So my new scheduled typically looks like this: Monday – 5am workout class, Tuesday – rest, Wednesday – 5am workout class, Thursday – workout or rest (depending how sore I am feeling), Friday – workout whenever (cuz it’s my day off!), Saturday – workout at some point in the morning.  Depending on how my body is feeling, sometimes I do actually go to a 5am class on either Tuesday or Thursday.  Most weeks, I am getting up at least twice, and sometimes 3 times for that 5am class.


First of all I want to say IT IS POSSIBLE TO TRAIN YOUR BODY TO WORKOUT AT 5AM. Yes, it is not easy to get up that early, but I am telling you, your body does adjust to it over time.  I am NOT a morning person, which leads me to my first tip….

Tip #1: get a good pre-workout drink and slam it as soon as you get up. I am telling you, if you’re like me and need coffee FIRST then this will totally help you function that early. Before I go to bed, I get it prepared by getting my cup ready, a spoon, and the pre-workout container out on the counter so I don’t have to do too much thinking first thing.


Tip #2: plan your workout outfit, and lay it all out the night before. I set my alarm for 4:40am, and as soon as it goes off II get right out of bed and into my workout clothes. Because, no joke, I am SO COLD when I first wake up that early.  And I have read countless articles about your body being at its lowest temperature between  4am and 5am. So, you will want to get dressed right away. I always have a warm cozy sweater laid out as well to throw on over my workout clothes.

Tip #3: be prepared to feel more fatigued & exhausted when working out at 5am. It can be harder to workout on an empty stomach, because, well, food fuels your body! What I find helps me is if I have some food in my tummy for my workout – so I have half a banana ready to eat before I leave. The banana gives me a bit of energy and is easy to digest for your workout, so you shouldn’t feel sick while working out. If you need a little something more, have half a piece of toast or a scoop of peanut butter. Trust me, it helps!


Tip #4: join a gym that has a workout class at that time – for me this has been key. It is nice showing up to a class for a few reasons: a) there is a coach so I don’t have to think and instead I have someone planning the workout and telling me what to do.  And b) there are usually a few other people doing the workout with me – so we can all be in misery together! I find it very helpful to workout with others, but if that is not possible to do for you, then I would just plan my workouts the night before and perhaps find a workout buddy!

Tip #5: GO TO BED EARLY. Your body needs rest to recover and repair those precious muscles being worked. I try to go to bed by 9:30pm – that gives me 7 hours of sleep. Ideally, I would love a full 8 hours but that would mean going to be at 830, which would be an hour after the kids go to bed and mama needs more than an hour for “me” time. I do know a few people who go to bed earlier to attend the 5am class, though, and really you need to find the right bed time that works for you, so whatever time that is, stick to it and get your rest!


And let me tell you… Once your get your workout in, you feel AMAZING, and it is done! No need to worry about when your going to fit it in, because you did, and it is done!


Honestly, give it a shot, you never regret a workout! Am I right!!

Be sure to follow me on Instagram @lovealwaysjacquie for a daily dose of fashion inspo. Check out my liketoknow.it page for outfit details and to shop the post here!